My Preparation for 4th Engineer Interview

Basically this post is about the job as a 4th Engineer,
This is not a complete guide but just to give ideas base on my personal opinions and what I have done in just 2 days last minute prep for my interview yeah.  
The job as 4th Engineer also varies base on type of vessels, operations for cargo and machines that we encounter.

Here are a my study checklists that I had prepared before went to an interview, not only to pass  but for mentally preparation  for those responsibilities.
  • Pump alignment
  • Bumping clearance, valve lift for compressor
  • Rectify purifier problem and overflow preventive measure
  • Gravity disc selection for purifier.
  • PMS system and running hour base maintenance
  • Screw and thread and few legs job in overhauling
  • Watch-keeping and quick E/R round check    
  • boiler water test

Pump Alignment

Here is my simplified one.
There are few methods for p/p alignment depending on availability of tools, precision base on pump size and time. 
1) Traditional by ruler 
2) Dial indicator
3) Laser

Ok next.... Bumping clearance 

When doing major overhaul, the critical part is when we required to take bumping clearance, and adjust by adding shims either at piston foot or cylinder head gasket, or carry bearing replacement after still can't get the tolerance clearance value as per manual. Then during assembly, the alignment should be taken carefully.

Ok to take bumping clearance, we need to use lead ball or some other available method. Reefer the manual about the detail  like acceptable range for it and etc.

Few purifier basic problem and most feared if happens in LO px

Gravity disc selection also important to avoid px overflow

Reefer to nomogram from manual according to model type
This is the example of nomogram 
Screw thread and fastener

Boiler water test
Why we do this test?

  1. Monitor boiler condition and indicator if there is any leaking in condenser or heater, for any boiler corrosion and to avoid scale formation.
  2. Control dosing/ blow down routine 
  3. To prevent any calamities with boiler due to metal fire in such case tube overheating as scale inside blocks the water flow.
  4. etc.
This is few typical test and recommended range. 

Normal Range
Purpose/Action to control
·         9.5-11(Boiler water)
·         8.3-9.0(Condensate)

·         A measure from hydroxyl(alkali) and hydroxide(acid)
·         Better to maintain slight alkaline to prevent corrosion attack
Alkalinity (CaCO3)
·         For low pr boiler
(P) alkalinity test (100-300 ppm CaCo3)
·         For high pr boiler
(P) alkalinity test (100-130 ppm CaCo3)
(M) alkalinity test (below 2 x P alkalinity)
·         Check the alkalinity due to sample of Hydroxide & Carbonate
·         To avoid caustic corrosion& foaming
·         Dosing with alkalinity control
Total Hardness

·         Measure the hardness by calcium content
·         Treat by boiler coagulant chemical
·         For low pr boiler
(200 ppm max)
·         For high pr boiler
(<30 ppm)

·         This is the blow down indication.
 (20–40 ppm PO4)
·         Can be reduce by blow down
·         For high pr boiler
0.03-0.15 ppm N2H4

·         Oxygen content
·         Dosing by hydrazine/amerzine/
oxygen scavenger
Conductivity meter<2000 microΏ, 300μS/cm)

·         This show the ability of water to conduct electricity and it enhance corrosion.
·         Once it exceed 2k Ohm, blow is required.

              2) Aux Boiler DNV Survey from Academia Wbsite.

Lastly the PMS system and watchkeeping roundcheck I think this is a boring subject and hope to just 'Goreng' 
Goreng is a Malay cliche which means elaborate randomly, literally it means fried haha here is the pic.  

yes that's my capability in this 2 days, so hopefully all of those information might be useful for me and others. If you find it's not really complete yes I agree because I mean it to be this way, I will try to precisely zoom in the topic in the next post inshaallah. If there is any comment please leave it, yes I mean anything including critics. Thanks for reading this, I really appreciate. Assalamualaikum. 


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